Tombale Font

Tombale TrueTypeFreeware


Author's note

This font is based on medieval tombstone epitaphs from the late 15th/early 16th century churches and is part of a bigger historical work.

Once installed, the font can be found at the name "Tombale" in your font viewer.

You should use a great size for letters as this font is designed to be big.

This font is free but I would appreciate if you could give me credit in case you use this font in your work

Cette police est base sur des pitaphes de tombes mdivales allant de la fin du XVme au dbut du XVIme sicle et fait initialement partie d'un travail historique.

Une fois installe, la police est disponible sous le nom "Tombale" depuis votre logiciel.

Il est fortement recommand d'utiliser de grandes tailles de caractres pour cette police afin d'avoir un rendu esthtique optimal.

Cette police est 100% libre d'utilisation mais je vous serais reconnaissant de me citer au cas o vous utiliseriez cette police dans votre travail.

Character map

Please use the pulldown menu to view different character maps contained in this font.
Basic Latin - charmap

Basic font information

Copyright notice
Anciens escrits de l'an 1500 (Haut-Doubs)
Font family
Font subfamily
Unique subfamily identification
Tombale:Version 1.00
Full font name
Name table version
Version 1.00 December 22, 2007, initial release
Postscript font name
This font was created using FontCreator 5.6 from

Extended font information

Platforms supported

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 and onwards semantics, Unicode BMP only.
MicrosoftUnicode BMP only

Font details

Glyph count90
Units per Em2048
Embedding rightsEmbedding for editing allowed
Family classNo classification
WidthMedium (normal)
Mac styleBold
DirectionOnly strongly left to right glyphs
Pattern natureRegular
PitchNot monospaced