Outlined fonts

Outlined font in its most general meaning refers to a style of fonts with the specific outlined or hollow structure of characters. HallandaleSquereInline, Yiggivoo, Midroba, and over two thousands of other typefaces are presented in the outlined font collection at Fonts2u, one of the leading online web resources, focused on fonts and typefaces.

The outlined font style is characterized by the hollow structure of the characters' structural elements. Font designers only outline the external borders of characters, leaving the internal area transparent, which results in the outlined font structure. Due to the peculiarities of such designing technique, outlined typefaces are mostly large in size, and often have additional 3D or shadow effects to magnify the artistic value of the fonts.

Outlined fonts are rarely considered an option for displaying or printing large portions of text. However, the representatives of this type family will work perfect for such designing projects, as poster layout, graphics for web sites, greeting cards, and other applications, where an eye-catching font is required.

It is interesting to note that outlined font term can have another meaning in the field of typography. By traditional definition, a font, which graphic character shapes are defined by mathematical equations instead of raster patterns, is called outlined. In this case, outlined or outline font will refer to one of the three major types of digital font file data formats. The other two formats are bitmap and stroke.

However, for the convenience of searching for fonts in a particular style (regular, bold, italic, negative, and outlined), Fonts2u offers a separate collection of outlined fonts among other widely popular categories, such as dingbats, fancy fonts, foreign fonts, holiday typefaces, scripts, and many others. Besides, with Fonts2u it is easy to refine searching by defining specific parameters of the necessary font. Font weight and width, style, category, classification, license, supported platform, special glyphs, and even character map can be specified for font search at this online font repository.