5 cent Font

5 cent TrueTypeFreewareUpdated


Author's note

5 cent is a bold, graffiti-inspired font that exudes an urban, street-savvy aesthetic. Crafted by designer Johan Waldenstrom, this typeface features angular, dynamic letterforms that convey a sense of spontaneity and rawness. The thick, uneven strokes and rough edges lend the font a distinctly handwritten feel, evoking the spontaneous, expressive nature of graffiti art.

This font is well-suited for a variety of design applications, from branding and packaging to editorial layouts and event posters. Its eye-catching, rebellious style makes it an excellent choice for projects seeking to capture a gritty, rebellious spirit. Whether used as a headline, subhead, or accent text, 5 cent possesses the ability to command attention and leave a lasting impression.

Character map

Please use the pulldown menu to view different character maps contained in this font.
Basic Latin - charmap

Basic font information

Copyright notice
Johan Waldenström© 2000 [www.uyc.nu]
Font family
5 cent
Font subfamily
Unique subfamily identification
5 cent
Full font name
5 cent
Name table version
Postscript font name

Extended font information

Platforms supported

MicrosoftUnicode BMP only
UnicodeUnicode 1.0 semantics

Font details

Glyph count31
Units per Em1000
Embedding rightsEmbedding for editing allowed
Family classScripts
WidthMedium (normal)
Width typeNormal
Mac styleBold
DirectionOnly strongly left to right glyphs
Pattern natureRegular
Stroke weightBook, text, regular, etc.
PitchNot monospaced
Symbol setWindows 3.1 ANSI